
Call for STSM Application for COST Action TD1401

Deadlines will be: 1st May, 1st October, 1st December

STSM facilitates Researchers from COST Countries participating in COST Action TD1401 to go to an institution or research centre in another participating COST Country to foster collaboration and to perform empirical research. In order to efficiently coordinate the proposed STSMs and align them with the objectives of TD1401, 3 calls for STSMs will be open every year. Participation of "Early-Stage Researchers" (ESR) in STSM is particularly encouraged. An applicant can be considered as being an "Early-Stage Researcher" when the time that has elapsed between the award date of the applicants PhD and the date of the applicants first involvement in the COST Action TD1401 does not exceed 8 years. PhD students are also eligible to partake in STSMs. Read more in the in the official document.

Interested Researchers are advised to follow the directions provided below and submit their application and supporting documents to Action STSM manager, Prof. George Loudos,